Alchemicle Resurrection Of Your True Self
This course is PRACTICAL, experiential, and introduces you to the concept of Spiritual Alchemy in your life.
This is a deep, inner, and personal journey: journeying you deep into your psyche.
The course uses simple powerful alchemical esoteric tools to help you redefine, define, and refine your True Self.
Why would you want to have an Alchemical Resurrection of Your True Self?
Because you would want to live your True Authentic Self.
Are you ready to remove your masks? False identity? Negative beliefs? Lifestyles that do not serve you anymore.
Have you had enough of pretending, fake smiles and hollow feelings inside you?
Would you like to you stop old habits that no longer serve you?
Do you want to release pretending, fake smiles and the hollow feeling you feel inside?
Are you ready to ‘die’ the Shaman’s Death and have a ‘rebirth’?
Are you ready to rise like a phoenix?
Are you wanting to create fertile ground when you let all your masks and false identities die?Are you living your lie, or somebody else’s lie about you?
Are you living your Truth or somebody else’s Truth of who you are?
The course will clarify who you are, where you are now, who you are becoming, where you are going, what you are becoming, and will reveal your True Self to you.
With this clarity you will have more understanding about what you are wanting with confidence and courage in your relationships, career, finding your direction, purpose, and your Soul.
An Alchemical Resurrection is a Decision you make for yourself, for you to Rise Above where you are right now, to come in and Rise to the True Essence of who you are.

Are you ready to really find a Dimension that Resonates with you, and Create and Connect always – be Connected and Aligned to that dimension of Your True Self and the True You?
This course will help you begin to understand what it is to be your True Self and the True You.
Some of the Benefits to Anchoring your Alchemical Resurrection of Your True Self is you Anchor Protection, you Anchor Insight, you Anchor Knowledge, You Anchor Focus, and a Strong Commitment and Direction of where your Life is, and where it should be going.
The stagnation is over. Time for cycles and movement. You will know where you are in the cycle of life – the Medicine Wheel. Are you at the beginning, the creation time, the growing time, the middle, the developing time, or the end of a cycle? Do not get caught up in old patterns, old habits, old thoughts, old beliefs, and old ways that limit you and keep you stuck in a rut.
Everything depends on you.
What customers are saying...

Shahana Yasmin: Finding My Trust
“The healing energy that Toks offers in her workshops (and in her presence) are so very powerful and nurturing. The intentions set in the energetic space always draws back some very fruitful results. Thank you, Toks, for your unconditional love and light. My alchemical resurrection was finding my truth again. The exercise that moved me the most was the vision board exercise

John Sergent: Let Go blocks, Doubts, Worries
“Toks creates the perfect loving and creative space for you to go very deep and express your truth, let go of all the unwanted blocks, as well as identify and clarify your life. This workshop cleared all my doubts and worries and allowed me to look forward to the coming New Year with a delicious excitement and dynamism. The space was great, warm, and cosy. My alchemical resurrection was my own empowering.”

Mary London: Writing my Goals
“Wearing white was a new thing for me in this inspiring space. I enjoyed most the exercise on writing my goals within a positive group energy. Toks’ energy is greatly inspirational. She is a wonderful teacher.”